Welcome! I'm so happy you're here. I hope you feel at home.

If there's anything I can help you with, don't hesitate to contact me.


ps. The misprints sale is coming to the Member Shop 2/22, 8am PT. Join for the passcode.

✨ Seconds & Misprints ✨

Over 130 imperfect items just went live in the member shop. For access, become a member.

Please note that having an item in your cart does not reserve it and that most items are one of a kind. To secure your selections you must complete your checkout.

New & Popular Prints

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Art & Writing

My newsletter, "Play is the Opposite of Survival Mode" is my favorite place to share my art and writing.

And it's free!

read along
Person with dark hair holding a large print of an abstract painting by britchida with orange and teal shapes with white lines and white block text that reads "PLAY IS THE OPPOSITE OF SURVIVAL MODE"

Large Prints

Large prints of fine art and diagrams now available in canvas and up to 16"x20" on paper!

Shop large prints

Original Works


13 new original paintings

available now


Make Art with Brit

I teach my creative process and techniques in this open community for artists and the creative-curious. When you join you get access to 3+ years' worth of lessons, stories and art prompts! We also have a live class each month and would love to have you with us.

Join us!
a spread out stack of various items included in britchida membership subscription. The stack includes a colorful sticker, a print of an abstract diagram, a tan envelope, and a paper with a monthly writing for subscribers

Patreon is the easiest way to collect: big discounts, free shipping and lots of perks.

Join us for the newest prints & stickers delivered to your door every month. The happiest mail.

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fingers holding a small white rectangular sticker with blue, orange, gray, yellow, and white abstract flowers with the text "NO ONE IS MAD AT ME"

Enter the Member Shop

Welcome Patreon and Substack members! The password to unlock your exclusive art in is posted here.

Membeship has lots of perks! See how it works!

✨The once-a-year Member Only Holiday shop credits are livex!✨

Come on in!
large framed abstract painting by britchida with blue, teal, yellow, pink, and white shapes. painting is laying on stone background

Gallery & Commissions

View past fine art series and information about commissions.



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and more!

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A few important things:

We offer free shipping on orders $75+ US or $250+ Worldwide

For 15% off and/or a $10-$20 off code join us on Patreon. Monthly prints and stickers through Patreon also have free worldwide shipping!

Gift cards are available here.

To add a note to your order, pop this item to your cart.

If you're planning to share my art with your community, here are free Britchida business cards to set out.

Thank you!

Feel free to reach out with any questions or to say hello!